Ultima Enan – The Most Common Anabolic Steroid in Bodybuilding

The Ultima Enan is the most common anabolic hormone and the most basic. And for that reason, bodybuilder often considers it to be the base steroid for all cycles. Testosterone enanthate is both anabolic and androgenic. Bodybuilders who use Ultima Enan report a dramatic gain in muscle size and strength, as well as an overall sense of well-being and increases libido and sex drive. Ultima Enan is an injectable steroid containing 250 ml per ML of Testosterone enanthate. Learn more about this steroid in this content.

What is Ultima Enan (Testosterone enanthate)

The active ingredient in Ultima-Enan is Testosterone Enanthate, a long ester of testosterone. Intramuscular injections of testosterone esters in oil cause a delayed absorption of the lipid phase. One of the most widely used steroids for building muscle growth is testosterone, which is the main androgenic hormone. Through improving libido, vitality, and immunity, accelerating fat loss, preserving and maintaining muscle mass, avoiding osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and perhaps guarding against heart disease, it is also responsible for promoting health and wellbeing. If you are curious about Testosterone enanthate then you may also like steroids for sale, a great way to get all kinds of testosterone-based steroids.

Effects and action of Ultima Enan on the body

Testosterone enanthate provides a variety of advantageous effects, such as a noticeable increase in muscular growth and strength, stimulation of the body's natural regeneration processes, an improvement in general tone, improved motivation for exercise, and prevention of overtraining. The blood's ability to hold oxygen is also increased. Yet, the Ultima Enan also has a strong androgenic effect in addition to the anabolic effect. Fast weight growth causes considerable water retention due to estrogenic effects and salt retention. The length of an Ultima Enan cycle is between 8 and 10 weeks and the weekly dosage should be around 250mg to 500mg.


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