
Showing posts from March, 2023

Ultima Enan – The Most Common Anabolic Steroid in Bodybuilding

The Ultima Enan is the most common anabolic hormone and the most basic. And for that reason, bodybuilder often considers it to be the base steroid for all cycles. Testosterone enanthate is both anabolic and androgenic. Bodybuilders who use Ultima Enan report a dramatic gain in muscle size and strength, as well as an overall sense of well-being and increases libido and sex drive. Ultima Enan is an injectable steroid containing 250 ml per ML of Testosterone enanthate. Learn more about this steroid in this content. What is Ultima Enan (Testosterone enanthate) The active ingredient in Ultima-Enan is Testosterone Enanthate , a long ester of testosterone. Intramuscular injections of testosterone esters in oil cause a delayed absorption of the lipid phase. One of the most widely used steroids for building muscle growth is testosterone, which is the main androgenic hormone. Through improving libido, vitality, and immunity, accelerating fat loss, preserving and maintaining muscle mass, avoi

Buy Primoplex 100 to Increase Red Blood Cell Production in Body

  The intramuscular injectable drug primoplex-100 includes methenolone enanthale. Anabolic steroid Methenolone Enanthale is based on DHT. In pill or injectable form, Primoplex is the brand name. It does not produce any oestrogens when it interacts with the enzyme aromatase. Those who are highly susceptible to the negative effects of oestrogen utilise it since it has weaker estrogenic properties than nandrolone. Both an injectable and an oral form of methenolone are available (primoplex). Naturally, the injection is thought to have a better bioavailability. It is an enanthate ester that has a lengthy half-life. It also has a greater survival rate due to the fact that it avoids hepatic breakdown on the first run. The pills come in a transient acetate form. Dosage of Primoplex 100 Buy Primoplex 100 which is frequently used to break a steroid hiatus at a dose of 100 mg per week; however this is not a good idea. The body's natural testosterone production is adversely affected by an